10 Steps for Moving Forward After Being Made Redundant

How to move forward after being fired from your job?


There are several reasons why so many people are being made redundant today. The most obvious is the current economic climate which has seen a significant downturn in many sectors, resulting in layoffs and job losses around the world. Many businesses have had to scale back their operations due to a lack of demand, leading to reduced staff requirements.


Additionally, advances in technology and automation have resulted in some roles becoming obsolete or no longer required, meaning employers may opt for redundancies as an alternative to retraining staff members. Finally, globalization has led to increased competition and could be reducing the need for certain types of roles within companies operating on a large scale.


In summary, while there are multiple factors at play when it comes to job losses, the underlying causes are largely related to the current economic climate, advances in technology and automation, and globalization. This is why so many people are being made redundant today.


Why Being Made Redundant Isn’t the End?

Being made redundant can be an unsettling experience, but it should not be considered the end of a career. It is important to remember that redundancy is often due to factors beyond your control and does not necessarily reflect on your abilities as an employee. Instead, use this opportunity to assess what you want from your career in the future and how you can use experiences and skills acquired during previous roles to find the perfect job.


Consider taking time out for yourself or even returning to education. This could be a great opportunity to learn new skills or gain additional qualifications which will make you more attractive to potential employers when you next enter the job market. Additionally, reflecting on past roles could shed light on areas where you excelled which can help inform decisions about what roles to pursue next.


Finally, don’t forget the importance of self-care when dealing with redundancy. Make sure to take regular breaks and reach out for help if needed. With the right attitude and approach, being made redundant does not have to signal the end of a career but can be seen as a new opportunity for growth.


10 Steps for Moving Forward After Being Made Redundant

Being made redundant isn’t the end of the world, and it shouldn’t feel like that, but it’s a horrible feeling. You don’t want to ever find yourself in the position of being made redundant but you should know that there are some steps you can take to move forward in life. We have shared some of them:

     1.  Take Time To Process Your Feelings

It is natural to feel upset, angry or confused when you are told that your job is being made redundant. Acknowledge these feelings and allow yourself some time to grieve the loss of your job and reflect on what has happened.

     2.  Seek Support

Reach out to family, friends and/or professional counselors who can provide a listening ear and offer emotional support during this difficult period.

     3.  Educate Yourself About Redundancy Laws

Make sure you understand exactly what rights you have as an employee facing redundancy, such as potential severance pay or unemployment benefits.

     4.  Create A Budget Plan

When you know how much money will be coming in each month, you can create a more realistic budget plan and adjust your lifestyle accordingly.

     5.  Develop A Job Search Plan

Make a list of the types of jobs you are interested in and start researching employers who may be hiring for these positions. Take advantage of online job boards or career counseling services to help with this process.

     6.  Update Your Resume and Cover Letter

Now is the time to brush up on your writing and networking skills so that you can market yourself effectively when applying for new jobs. You should also update LinkedIn with any recent professional achievements and connect with recruiters or potential contacts in the industry.

     7.  Pursue Alternative Income Sources

Consider taking on freelance work or explore other opportunities such as tutoring, dog walking, or starting your own business.

     8.  Make Use Of Available Resources

Government programs like JobSeeker can provide financial assistance to individuals who are unemployed and looking for work. Reach out to local employment centers for more information about these services.

     9.  Take Care Of Yourself

During this process it is important to remain positive, stay active and spend time with loved ones doing activities that bring you joy.

     10.  Utilize Online Tools

Use online tools such as LinkedIn Learning or Coursera to advance your skillset while looking for a new job. This will make you stand out among other applicants when applying for positions in the future.



It is important to remember that this period of transition can be a time for growth and new opportunities. Try not to become overwhelmed by the sudden change, but instead use it as an opportunity to reflect on what you have accomplished and look ahead to what possibilities may lay ahead. With hard work, dedication, and self-care you will be able to move forward with your career in no time.



There are several times in life when you feel like you have reached the end of the road, and being made redundant from your job is one of those times. It’s a horrible feeling and it may feel that all your hardwork and efforts have come to an end without bearing any fruit for you. Many people want to give up after being made redundant but you should know that it is possible to move forward in life.


Yes, it is a setback but one from which you can easily recover with the right mindset. The steps mentioned above will help you in that regard and will ensure that you tackle life’s setback with positive intent from your end.


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