10 Things That Happen Right After Your Credit Card Is Stolen

Learn what happens after your credit card is stolen


Once your credit card is stolen, it’s important to act quickly. You should contact your credit card issuer right away and report the card lost or stolen, even if you haven’t noticed any suspicious activity on your account yet. Most banks will then cancel the existing card and issue you a new one with a different number.


You can also place a fraud alert on your account so that creditors must take additional steps before issuing any new lines of credit in your name. Monitoring services like Experian’s Fraud Alert service can help keep an eye out for fraudulent charges or requests for new credit cards in your name as well as other suspicious activity.


It’s also wise to check all three of your credit reports for any unauthorized charges or requests for credit in your name. Reviewing your reports regularly is a good defense against identity theft. You can get free copies of your credit report every year at annualcreditreport.com.


And if you notice fraudulent charges on your account, contact the card issuer as soon as possible to dispute them and avoid any potential liability. Your bank may also offer additional protection services that can help you recover funds and restore any damage done to your credit score due to the fraud.


Ultimately, taking swift action after discovering a stolen card is essential in minimizing the amount of damage done to your finances and your credit score. With proactive monitoring and quick response times, you can protect yourself from further harm caused by identity theft.


Finally, it’s important to stay vigilant about your credit card and identity security going forward. Monitor your bank accounts for any suspicious activity, review your credit reports regularly, and always use strong passwords when making purchases or banking online. Taking these necessary precautions can prevent the stress of a stolen credit card in the future.


How Criminals Act After Stealing Your Credit Card?


There are some specific pieces of action that goes down after your credit card is stolen, and it can be a time when you are downright confused and angry with yourself. However, you must take stock of the act and realize that you need to act fast to limit the damage criminals can do. To prove that point further to you, here are the ten things that happen right after your credit card is stolen:


     1.  Make purchases with your credit card

Criminals who have stolen a credit card will usually use it to make purchases at stores or online, which is the most common way for criminals to abuse a stolen credit card.


     2.  Sell or trade the card on the dark web

Criminals are also known to sell or trade their stolen cards on darker corners of the internet where they can get away with fraud more easily.


     3.  Take out cash advances

Some criminals may also take out large cash advances from ATMs using a stolen credit card, as this method allows them to quickly access money without having to show any identification.


     4.  Create fake accounts in your name

Criminals may create new accounts in your name, such as bank accounts or even social media profiles, to take advantage of the stolen credit card and access more of your personal information.


     5.  Create a false identity

Criminals may also use stolen credit cards to create a false identity by creating fake IDs or documents that allow them to make purchases or other activities without being detected.


     6.  Rent cars, hotel rooms, and luxury items:

Criminals may rent cars, hotel rooms, and luxury items using the stolen credit card; this is especially dangerous if they are able to book these things under your name so you can be held liable for any unpaid bills.


     7.  Make fraudulent charity donations

Criminals may make charitable donations in your name using the stolen credit card, which can be difficult to trace and can generate tax deductions for them.


     8.  Stockpile items with a high resale value

Criminals may also stockpile items that have a high resale value, such as electronic equipment or jewelry, in order to make more money off of the stolen credit card.


    9.  Buy gift cards and prepaid debit cards

It is common for criminals to purchase gift cards or prepaid debit cards using the stolen credit card, which allows them to easily access the funds without having to show identification or go through any other complicated processes.


     10.  Create clones of your credit card

The most dangerous way criminals use a stolen credit card is by creating an exact clone of the card, which can be used to make purchases without your knowledge. This is a particularly difficult crime to detect and requires sophisticated technology for it to be successful. It can also have serious impact on the victim’s financial situation and credit rating if left undetected.


Therefore, if you know or suspect that your credit card has been stolen, it is important to notify your bank immediately. Doing so can help prevent further losses and ensure that any fraudulent charges are not charged back to you.



These days the act of credit cards being stolen is becoming more common than ever before and it is important that people take steps to protect their cards. Doing so will ensure that they make it harder for criminals to gain access to their credit cards. That is why it is important to learn the psyche of criminals and understand what steps they take after stealing your credit card.


The things mentioned in this article are by no means set in stone and can vary depending on the individual circumstances of any person. Therefore, it is best that you identify the problem as quickly as you can and act fast to ensure that you minimize the damage done with your stolen credit card.



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