How to Be Successful In Life and Get Everything You Want

How to be successful

So, you have finally decided it’s time to get serious in life and learn how to be successful? Well, considering you’re on this blog post, I can say that you are on the right track. Still, you should know that success doesn’t come overnight. You won’t be the next Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg immediately after reading this blog post and nor can I cast some magic spell to change your fate for the better. To become successful, you have to be consistent. The things I mention in this blog post might motivate you at first, but after 6 months or so, you will be back to your routine.

So, to become successful and get everything you want, you need to step up your game and stop daydreaming about it. Instead of wishing on shooting stars, you need to be consistent, persistent, and motivated to achieve what you desire. So, keep reading below and read till the end if you truly desire success.

What Is Success?

Before we start exploring ways to become rich and successful, you need to understand the meaning of the term “success.”

Success is anything you want it to be. It’s a personal term that carries a much different meaning. For some people, success might be spending time with their family. For college students, it might mean scoring an A+ in an exam. For some married couples, it might be having a baby. Success is an ideal term to define your achievement and hard work because all the prior meanings of success are achieved through hard work and dedication. So, if you want to be “Successful,” you need to figure out what success means to you.

How to Be Successful – Whatever You Want

As Paulo Coelho says, “Success is a luxury for those who let life dance on the edge of time like dew on the tip of a leaf.”

What Coelho meant is that success is something affordable for those who are constantly working on it. Here are a few things you can do to be successful in life and achieve whatever you want.

    1. Stop Looking for the Silver Bullet

Nobody becomes successful overnight. Even Mark Zuckerberg had to look over several iterations of Facebook for years before it became the social media giant it is today. No matter how many times people tell you to stop and give up, never stop doing what you are doing to become successful. The day you stop trying is the day you start losing. Therefore, success is attained through hardship and consistency. Chris Garner, the founder of Garner Rich and Company, faced many problems, hurdles, and obstacles before he became a multi-millionaire. His success goes out to himself because he worked day and night against the odds to become who he is today. Therefore, to become successful, you need to envision yourself 10 years in the future, hold on to that vision, and keep working for it.

    2. Set Achievable Goals

So now, you are motivated for success, holding a desire to become rich and wanting to have everything you ever wanted. You start making goals, practice them, but you fail in less than 3 months – why? Because you made unrealistic goals. If a person decides to work out for 6 hours a day, that person will not become a bodybuilder any faster than a person who works our 1 hour a day; this is because muscles take their time to build.

Similarly, success takes its time, and there is no magical way to speed things up. Instead of months, success takes years to materialize and more time to be realized. Therefore, you have to consistently work your way to the top, and for that, you need to set realistic goals.

How to be successful

     3. Stop Looking For Validation

Some people are on the right path to success yet they never seem to grow beyond their current state. These people always feel de-motivated and undermined for their efforts because they keep seeking validation. Looking for validation is the biggest obstacle to being successful. You only need to impress yourself, and success will come your way. Seeking other’s approval for the efforts you make for yourself is setting yourself up for failure.

Moreover, you don’t need others to approve of your business and your source of earning. No matter what you do, do it with pride, joy, and determination. With time, you will become successful in what you do best, and the people who are your real supporters will stay by your side throughout that period.

     4. You Don’t Need a Mentor

Many people say you can curve your learning by 5 to 10 years with the help of a mentor because you will already know what “not to do” and avoid failure. However, this approach is not the best. Personal growth comes from within when you learn from your mistakes, and mentors do the opposite. Instead of trying and learning yourself, you rely on your mentor’s words and keep away from things that didn’t work for them.

Moreover, there are high chances that your mentor was wrong and didn’t do something right, resulting in losses and failure. The same work that you put in might give you results different from how it did for your mentor.

In a Nutshell

Success is something that can only be achieved through hard work and consistency. There is no silver bullet or a magic potion that can make you rich overnight. Moreover, all the success stories you have heard where people became rich overnight are all fabricated. Even lottery winners have been buying lotteries and studying them for years. People only like to see other people’s success. They ignore the process, efforts, blood, sweat, and tears that went into it. All of the things you do to become successful directly contribute to your personal growth and make you a better person than you were before.

If you enjoyed reading this blog post, you could learn more about personal growth on my website.