7 Amazon Marketing Tips To Boost Brand Awareness Through Sponsored Ads



One of the most remarkable things about Amazon is that it does most of the heavy lifting. Despite being the largest online store in the Ecommerce world, Amazon doesn’t shy away from its duties to satisfy its web traffic along with its sellers.


Unlike Google, where the majority of traffic is from researchers and web surfers, Amazon attracts buyers only. This means that your marketing tactics will automatically be directed towards buyers and won’t be wasted on window shoppers. In addition to this, Amazon also has a huge customer base, so you don’t have to worry about losing any customers unless it’s a mistake from your end.


With all the bells and whistles surrounding Amazon, marketing on this platform is not a walk in the park. You can expect to compete against hundreds and thousands of sellers, each with a unique marketing strategy. However, if you invest your time and effort learning about your customer, you can quickly turn the tables in your favor and launch a successful Amazon marketing campaign.


7 Tips To Market Your Product on Amazon

Amazon marketing is slightly different from Google marketing, and some people will disagree with me. However, the reason Amazon marketing is different is that you are targeting customers, not people. This is difficult to understand but bear with me. On Google, you might have all the segmentation tools, but in the end, you are targeting a “web surfer.” This is because Google is more than an Ecommerce solution. On Amazon, web visitors are all customers – either someone else’s or your potential target audience. So half of your work is done, meaning you don’t have to convert web traffic into leads. With that said, let’s get into Amazon marketing tips that will help you increase your sales.


    1. Boost Brand Awareness Through Sponsored Ads

Whether you are a new seller or have a new product under your existing account, you need to leverage Amazon-sponsored ads. The reason is that through Amazon sponsored ads, your product is on top of Amazon’s first page. Most customers don’t bother scrolling down if they found what they are looking for. All you need to do is target the relevant keyword for your product. From there, your product will show on the top of Amazon’s first page, and you will gain sales. If you think Amazon sponsored is expensive, you should ROAS before launching your ad through this simple technique.

  • Determine a budget for your Amazon sponsored ad
  • Divide your budget with your profit per product sale

This way, you will know how many products you need to sell daily or throughout your campaign to recover your marketing expense. Knowing this will boost your confidence and help you set the right budget for brand awareness. As you gain brand awareness, you will score reviews. These reviews will fuel your future purchases, listing rank, and other things on Amazon.


    2. Leverage The Flywheel Principle

The flywheel principle is the process of earning reviews and traffic on your product listing on Amazon. The Flywheel principle is a continuous cycle that generates more sales every time it makes a full circle. It comprises earned media and owned media. Where the latter includes product description and SEO details, the former has reviews, web traffic, and clicks. The Flywheel principle depends on paid ads and their benefits.


If you find Amazon PPC to be expensive, try targeting cheap keywords for paid and expensive ones for organic. As your product shows up for cheap keywords, you garner more clicks which affects the position of your product on expensive keywords. Moreover, as you gain clicks, your chances of making a sale increase.


When you finally make a sale, you get a review that influences your product ranking on all keywords, including expensive organic ones. This is a circular strategy that completes its round when you get a review. So the more reviews you get, the higher your ranking.


Plus, you have increased chances of earning the “Amazon’s Choice” badge, enhancing your product credibility. The flywheel principle is one of the most effective Amazon marketing strategies and doesn’t require a significant investment.


Amazon marketing tips

    3. Utilize Negative Keywords To Save Your Ad Budget

Most of the time, Amazon sellers lose their ad money because of irrelevant keywords. When you select a keyword on Amazon or Google, your product shows up against its synonyms and close match keywords as well. This eats through your budget without getting credible results. The only way to stop this from happening is by using “negative keywords.” In short, negative keywords is a way of telling search engines that you don’t want your product to rank against “selected keywords” this will save your budget, and you’ll only garner a relevant target audience.


However, you should always be careful when adding negative keywords. This is mainly because you don’t want synonymous or relevant keywords to be a part of your “negative keyword list.” Moreover, you slightly lose your chances of making more sales because you are limiting your reach in a way. Although negative keywords are great for preventing unwanted traffic, sometimes, these keywords fall under the TOFU keyword category. However, only brands with a massive Amazon marketing budget avoid negative keywords. Unless you have thousands of dollars to invest in paid ads, I’ll suggest you spend a few hours determining the negative keywords of your product and adding them immediately.


    4. Research Your Competitors

While there is no direct connection between competitor research and increased revenue, it’s still relevant for the process. Moreover, you might discover a keyword you were missing while researching your competitors. The idea behind spying on your competitors is to learn what’s working for them and how you can improve and use it for yourself. Start by searching your competitor’s product with different variations of keywords. See which products are on Amazon sponsored and their keyword price. This way, you will know your competitor’s marketing budget and will help you determine a budget enough to beat or compete equally with your rivals. Competitor research is the core principle of marketing, and whether it’s digital or Amazon marketing, you need to evaluate your rivals before you began heavily promoting your product. Through competitor research, you may also discover places your competition didn’t pay attention to.


The goal of competitor research is to find loopholes in the marketing of your counterpart. When you do, use them to your advantage. Plus, you can understand how your industry works on Amazon if you are new. If you have been selling on Amazon for a while, you might know how your niche works. However, it’s not harmful to your business to do a little research, so what’s stopping you?


    5. Optimize Your Bid

Amazon marketing is not about bidding and then forgetting. It’s more of a daily routine to check your conversion and see how your ads are doing. Bidding and then not paying attention could lose you a lot of money because sometimes, your conversions drop, and you need to increase your bid.


Now it might seem like a wrong strategy to increase bids when conversions are dropping because you are already losing money, so what’s the point of throwing more, right? – wrong. When your conversion rate drops, it means that someone else is bidding more than you.


Therefore, you won’t get sales unless you increase your budget. And when you don’t get sales, you don’t recover your ad spend. Therefore, as your conversion decreases, you slowly increase your ad spent to see which point triggers sales.


The best way to market on Amazon


Once you discover your cash spot, keep bidding until there is a need to raise your budget again. Remember, paid ads aren’t a long-term part of your Amazon marketing process. You are only looking to score reviews from your paid ads. Once you have enough reviews and the product starts ranking organically on the first page of Amazon, you won’t need to pay for ads anymore.


    6. Think Outside Amazon

Although you are primarily working on Amazon, you aren’t bound to this platform. This means that looking outside Amazon for marketing opportunities can also pay well. For instance, many people search on Google before buying on Amazon for blogs and articles. You can invest in Amazon blogs or affiliate marketing to boost your sales. The more people learn about your product, the more they will be interested in buying. And if your product appears on more than one website, it will be considered more credible than others. The concept of going above and beyond Amazon for marketing is to garner more attention for your product and boost your sales cheaper than paid campaigns.


Moreover, you can tap into the power of social media for amazon marketing and take help from influencers. By offering your product for free, you will get a post on their social media channel, which is boost brand awareness and open more routes for your business to generate sales. Consider Amazon as a physical location and your listing as a shop. Just convert all conventional marketing tactics to digital, and you’ll have more and more sales every day.


    7. Work on Amazon SEO

Amazon SEO is the most effective digital marketing strategy where you can invest your time and double your sales organically. The idea of Amazon SEO is to make your product searchable on both Google and Amazon alike. The keywords you add into your Amazon product listing should be relevant to both search engines, and you can easily do this with the help of keyword tools. However, Amazon keyword tools are paid, and you don’t get free access for a long time. Moreover, keep updating your keywords because search trends are always changing. The crux of your Amazon marketing should focus on Amazon SEO, and the rest will uplift itself through paid marketing. Moreover, you should even write a conversion-optimized product description explaining your product to entice users to click the buy button.


SEO is not merely adding keywords and getting relevant links. It’s a holistic marketing process that lifts your brand and boosts its awareness. So you might have to put more effort into Amazon SEO than paid marketing because it’s an ongoing process. Additionally, as you gain more sales, you can set up a team of SEO specialists to continue your efforts. However, you will need to share your strategies and guidelines with your team; otherwise, your ranking could go down. This is because EVERY product on Amazon works through a unique marketing strategy. If it’s carried all the way through, it becomes a permanent part of your brand and its identity.


Final Thoughts

Amazon marketing is not as easy as it seems, and you’ll need to take hold of every useful tool you can find. Moreover, Amazon can increase your wealth faster than setting up a physical store. Plus, if you already own a physical store, you can set up an Amazon seller account faster than those who don’t have a store. The best part of selling on Amazon is that you don’t have to worry about shipping, packaging, and dealing with customers, as Amazon will do that for you in its FBA program. All you need to do is focus on marketing your product on Amazon and making sure you stay on the 1st page. Otherwise, your sales will plummet, and FBA charges will become unbearable.


If you enjoyed reading this blog post, you could find more Amazon-related digital marketing material on my website.


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