Balance Productivity and Rest While Working from Home

Tips to balancing productivity and rest while working from home


The new normal has brought rapid changes; those accustomed to working behind a desk don’t know how to manage work from home. What seemed like a blessing at the start has now become a cause of depression and negative stress. People who enjoyed working from home are finding establishing a work-life balance difficult. Moreover, productivity has plummeted, and remote workers are finding being able to rest well while also meeting their work goals simultaneously challenging.

This led to widespread unfavorable working conditions such as lack of communication, accountability, and management. As a result, I have shared X ways to balance productivity and rest while working from home. Go through my tips, and you will notice a tremendous change in your mood, working pleasure, and of course, productivity.

6 Ways to Balance Productivity and Rest While Work From Home

Balance is something not many can achieve. Most people who enjoyed working from the office with friends are now forced to work behind locked doors. However, if you are facing troubles balancing productivity and rest while working from home, keep reading below to find the answer to your problem.


tips for work from home


     1. Mark Your Work and Personal Time

One of the reasons people fail to balance productivity with rest during work from home is that they don’t prioritize tasks according to time. However, starting your day simultaneously as your office might be best to complete work on time, but not the best idea when adding “rest” to the equation.

If you want to balance productivity and rest while working from home, you need to start your work before regular hours. This is because when you start before others, your mind enters a state of competition, and your work gets completed before time.

     2. Plan Your Day in Advance

The key to balancing work with rest while working from home is knowing your priorities and planning ahead of time. This ensures that every task has a designated time slot so that you don’t have to stretch beyond your work hours.

In case something unplanned tries to enter your schedule, determine whether that task can be moved to another day. Otherwise, plan an hour or 30 minutes for unprecedented events during your work because there are high chances of such a situation arising when working from home.

     3. Take Shorter Breaks

There are two types of personalities during work from home. One pack’s lunch, tea, and every essential next to their work desk and refrain from taking breaks. In contrast, the other personality takes long breaks and intentionally delays work. Both personality types are harmful to mental peace because they are on the two extreme sides of the pole.

Taking long breaks is as equally harmful as not taking breaks at all. While it might be comfortable to snack while working, it can increase your screen time without rest and affect your eyes. Therefore, to balance productivity and rest during work from home, it’s best to take shorter breaks.

     4. Learn to Say No

There is a continuous fear over the insecurity of saying no during work from home, whether it’s extra work from the office or your family members asking for a favor, the thought of being perceived as someone who doesn’t want to work can cause internal damage.

However, there are other ways of saying no without actually turning someone down. You can make it easier for yourself by putting forth the real reason for turning someone down. If it’s a task from work, you should clearly say that your working hours and tasks are done you would like to spend time with family. If it’s a task from home, explain to them your work schedule.

     5. Find a Designated Workplace

Unless you have a designated workplace, you can not expect to manage productivity and rest while working from home. Having your own space not only gives you a boost of creativity but also separates you from background disturbance. Moreover, deciding on a workspace will create boundaries and prevent you from leaving your gadgets all over the house.

     6. Be Kind to Yourself

The easiest way to balance productivity with rest while working from home is by being kind to yourself. No one but yourself deserves the most care and attention this year because you have been pushing yourself harder than ever. Also, it’s a general perception that the more you work, the more you grow. While it might be true in some parts of the world, it’s a universal fact that if you don’t be kind to yourself, no one else will be. Therefore, it’s okay to be imperfect and make mistakes, and it’s okay if you forgot to send an important file. The key to being productive is to keep your stress level low. So be kind to yourself and let the worries fade away.

The Bottom Line

COVID19 has caused a social shift to work from home and there are slim chances of life returning to normal. The sooner you accept your work-from-home situation and strive to improve your space, the better. The above-mentioned tips to balancing productivity with rest while working from home can lighten your mood, reduce stress and alleviate anxieties so that you can focus on improving yourself.

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