Quick Workout Routines for Busy People

Quick Workout Routines for Busy People


One of the most common excuses for not exercising is a busy work routine. Whether you work a tough 9-5 high-level job or run a business, it can be difficult to find the time to hit the gym or go running every day. Fortunately, you don’t need to do either to stay in good shape. That’s all just a myth.


Today, you can find hundreds of quick workout routines for busy people to improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. More importantly, all you need is a few minutes of commitment, and you’re all set to change your lifestyle in a matter of days.


So, if you’re busy building your career and often find yourself glued to your desk or taking care of many time-consuming obligations, keep reading to learn about our top picks of the best mini-workouts.


8 Workout Routines For Busy People

     1.  Skipping Rope

Skipping ropes have become quite popular, especially since the start of the pandemic. During this period, gyms and fitness centers were closed. Moreover, most people were confined to their homes due to the lockdown. As a result, many people opted for inexpensive exercise equipment and accessories, such as dumbbells, treadmills, kettlebells, etc.


However, skipping ropes became the go-to choice for most people looking to mimic the feel of a daily run. In just 15 minutes (non-stop), you can burn nearly a thousand calories, which is the same amount you’d burn following an hour run.


So, if you don’t have the time to go out for a run every day, all you need is a few minutes of rope skipping, and you can get a complete body workout (legs, arms, and core). Moreover, depending on your routine and lifestyle, you can also do this at different intervals of the day.


     2.  Stair Climbing

Have you ever wondered why stair climber treadmills have become so popular among fitness enthusiasts? Well, studies show that stair climbing is one of the best workouts for weight management as it takes nearly 100 calories in just 10 minutes. Moreover, this simple exercise can improve heart and lung health as well as strengthen your upper-leg muscles as you put more weight on your quads.


You might prefer taking the elevator since it gets you where you need to go faster than the stairs. However, by forming the habit of taking the stairs, you can exercise without even meaning to, especially if your routine requires you to move up and down constantly.


     3.  HIIT Training

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the best workout routines for busy people, especially those wanting to go to the gym. While most fitness routines last between 45-60 minutes, HIIT requires only 20 minutes at max.


To explain how it works, think of it as an intense cardio session. The only difference is that it involves short bursts of intense activity with short recovery periods (often seconds). Therefore, it’s guaranteed to make anyone sweat. Plus, you don’t necessarily need weights, resistance bands, dumbbells, or any other equipment. You can manage your body weight, especially when getting started.


Although, you may need proper fitness attire and access to a shower when you’re done. Most people with tough routines typically opt for a gym in their vicinity and go there after work. Some do it at home first thing in the morning after waking up.


Either way, the training involves common exercises, such as:

  • Squats
  • Pushups
  • Tricep Dips
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Bicycle Crunches
  • Plank
  • Seated Skaters
  • Jump Lunge
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Burpees
  • Jackknife, etc.

No matter which exercises you opt for, you should aim to complete as many reps as possible within a short timeframe (typically 2 minutes each). With this approach, you can keep your heart beat elevated and burn more calories compared to standard variants.


     4.  Sport

Many busy people may not be interested in hitting the gym but will be more than tempted to shoot some hoops or play other sports, such as football, soccer, tennis, golf, etc. Some simply invest in a cycle for daily commutes, especially for running errands in the neighborhood or vicinity.


No matter option you pick, you can reap several health and fitness benefits, including:

  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Better weight management
  • Enhanced cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and endurance
  • Improved spatial awareness and reflexes
  • Less risk of health complications (diabetes, heart disease, etc.)

Sports can also double as recreation or social activity, especially if you opt for team sports like basketball, baseball, or football. As a busy professional, you may not have the time or energy to participate in solo sports or exercise routines. However, you may not always say no when your peers come calling.


     5.  Zumba

Some people may not like sports or exercise, but they can’t help but move their feet when they listen to their favorite songs or music.


So, if you’re looking workout routine for busy people that involves dancing, you can opt for Zumba. This hybrid training combines dance moves with pushups, squats, jumping jacks, and other cardio/bodyweight exercises with music playing in the background.


Many modern gyms and fitness centers offer these classes as part of their programs. However, this doesn’t mean you have to physically go to one. Since it doesn’t require any special equipment, you can opt for online sessions (live/recorded). Of course, you’d need a good speaker system or a pair of high-quality headphones to immerse yourself in the environment.


However, if you want to make Zumba a regular part of your routine, we recommend opting for physical classes to stay motivated. You don’t have to spend hours at it since most sessions last for 30-45 minutes max.


     6.  Cleaning and Chores

Many people working remotely have reported having become even more inactive since they no longer have to worry about getting dressed or commuting. As a result, they sit on their computers all day with minimal changes to their routine. Even with relatively more time to spare than before, they opt out of going to the gym or playing any sports.


However, research suggests that any physical activity can burn calories and improve fitness and health, especially if you do it every day. This is where cleaning and chores come in. Whether you’re working from home or the office, you can wake up an hour earlier to clean your work or living space. You can also wash your car, do the dishes, clean the cat litter box, or trim the yard if you have the tools.


All these activities can help you burn hundreds of calories without even knowing it. Plus, you can use them to regain your sense of purpose and keep isolation at bay.


     7.  Yoga

If you’re not too keen to lift weights, go running, or play sports, perhaps, you should try yoga. This ancient practice can help improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It involves slow movements with different poses and deep breathing exercises that improve muscular strength, boost metabolism, and offer stress relief.


Therefore, anyone with a busy work routine can use this to unwind after a long day and help you sleep better at night. Or, it could help you start their day at max strength. Many people in their ‘40s start experiencing arthritis symptoms and get tired easily. Yoga can offer pain relief and help you gain more control of your mind.


     8.  Weekend Activities

If you can’t find time to exercise or play sports during the week, you can make up for it during the weekend. However, like most people with busy routines, you’re probably looking to unwind or relax on your days off and do something fun. Well, if you like the outdoors, you can spend your weekends hiking, camping, kayaking, or mountaineering, depending on your location.


All these activities are great for bonding with your friends and family. Moreover, they’re extremely physical, so you can substitute them for boring exercise routines. Of course, no matter how much you want to, you won’t be able to go on trips every weekend.


Fortunately, there are several activities you try alone or with your peers, such as rollerblading, golf, long-bike trips, gardening, etc.


Wrapping Up

No matter how busy you are in your career or life, all your efforts and dedication may not be worth it if you don’t take care of your physical and mental health. Sure, you can adopt a balanced diet and reduce your workload. However, exercise can help build your strength and endurance, enabling you to perform at optimal levels. Moreover, it can help you sleep better and keep health complications at bay.


However, picking up an exercise regimen can be tough for anyone, which is why our workout routines for busy people are extremely easy to adopt. Most of them typically require less than 30 minutes, while others, like stair climbing or cleaning, don’t even need to be categorized as exercise.


No matter which options you pick, try to stick by them for at least a couple of weeks, and you’ll slowly notice the difference in your body and mind.

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